Australia has one of the highest dog ownership rates in the world. The number of pet dogs is roughly between 5 and 8 million, which means that 2 out of every 10 Australians have a dog as their pet. If you’re a dog owner, you know how important it is to treat your pup. 

When looking for the best dog treats, there are many factors that will impact your decision. One of the important things you need to consider before buying any treats is your lifestyle. Secondly, make sure that the treats are made in Australia or New Zealand as these countries have strict regulations regarding what can be sold as pet food. These are just some of the things that are not only important but essential when shopping for treats. This post will be going over some things you need to know before shopping for doggy treats! 

How to Properly Shop for Dog Treats

According to Kristen Nelson, DVM, author of Coated With Fur: A Vet’s Life, dog owners should pay extra attention to the amount of fat in a treat, making sure that your dog would not gain too much weight.

The next thing you should consider is whether the product has been tested on animals because some companies still conduct this type of research. You should also find out if the treat contains any artificial colouring, flavouring, sweeteners and even potential allergens because these ingredients can lead to adverse consequences for your furry friend’s health and wellness. Only buy products with human-grade ingredients so they don’t contain preservatives or other additives which could do more harm than good. Check whether the dog treat has high protein content to ensure that your dog receives extra energy vital for growth. Lastly, be mindful of certain foods such as raisins and grapes as they can be healthy for humans but toxic to dogs. If you are unsure of the types of food, you can look for the official list of foods that can be harmful to your dog.

Know the Types of Dog Treats

As a dog owner, you only want what’s best for your dog and that includes treating them with the best one. Experts suggest that when you’re looking for the right type of treats, make sure that you mind the actual size and the portion size of the treat. It’s always best to consult your veterinarian about grain-free options and how you can decide on the right dental treats for your dog.

Choose the Right-Sized Dog Treat

Smaller dogs need smaller-sized treats, while larger breeds require bigger ones. It would be a waste if you bought tiny biscuits for a German Shepard or huge bones for a Chihuahua! The size of your treats should be appropriate to the size of your pet. You’ll also want to make sure they fit in the palm of your hand and aren’t too big or small (five cms each) for your pet dog. Keep an eye on them whilst they are chewing large treats that can break and turn into a choking hazard.

Get Dental Dog Treats

Constant brushing is the best way to keep your dog’s gum and teeth health plaque-free. But dental treats can help tone down pets’ breath and even clean their teeth by removing some of the plaque buildups.

Try Fruits and Veggies

Why not give your dog a baby carrot or broccoli? These are great options and alternatives for store-bought treats that may be high in fat, preservatives and sugar. Dogs are often open to all types of food so you can always use fruits and vegetables as snack options for your dogs. You can try fruits such as watermelon, banana, apple slices and berries, too. You can also give low-calorie treats such as popcorn (no salt or butter) and plain rice cakes (broken into pieces).

Just remember to avoid giving onions, grapes, raisins, chocolate and caffeinated foods and drinks. 


Before shopping for dog treats, you need to consider a lot of important things to make sure that what you’re getting for your pet is something that can be beneficial to them without risking them from too many fats, preservatives and sweets. The ones we mentioned above are the main things you need to know but it’s always best to consult your veterinarian’s advice before they still know what’s best for your dogs.

Frankie Loves Barkery provides handmade dog accessories and healthy dog treats in Australia. These are lovingly handmade from the freshest and natural ingredients that are kind to your pup’s tummy. Reach out to us today so you can get your hands on these healthy and delicious treats that your dogs will surely love!