Written by Ashleigh, Natural Animal Nutritionist

Raw feeding is dangerous

What you need to remember here is that your dog was designed to eat raw food, not preservatives and synthetic nutrients! They have a short tract digestive system so food doesn’t sit as long inside the gut as it does with humans, which helps prevent bacteria colonising. They also have a high acidic content in their gut, which makes it a near on impossible environment for bacteria to survive!

But with anything that concerns raw food, your hygiene has to be paramount. Wash your hands thoroughly throughout meal prepping just as you would when making dinner for yourself and your family. Wipe down all surfaces and utensils thoroughly when preparing your pets’ food to minimise any contamination risk, and always regularly clean your pets’ food bowl.

My pet is too old to start raw

Raw feeding has so many benefits for senior dogs! We recommend to wean them in slowly. We can send you a weaning schedule if you would like. It’s an amazing feeling when you start to see senior dogs thrive on raw food!

Raw diets are unbalanced

This can be a valid statement if the owner is only feeding their dog just meat. There needs to be a variety of meat, offal, calcium, vitamins and minerals to make the diet balanced so your dog gets all the nutritional requirements it needs. However, it is a myth to say that your dog must be fed a balanced meal every day. We believe in balance over time the same as us humans, we don’t eat a balanced diet every day! Good news is, these meals are made to provide your canines with a balanced meal to take all the hard work out for you!

Raw feeding turns dogs aggressive and makes them kill other animals and prey

This is definitely a myth. When your dog is eating a balanced raw diet, it will most certainly not change their mentality to have any aggressive tendencies. With killing prey and other animals, the diet of your dog does not determine their hunting instinct. Some dogs will hunt on a dry food diet. Hunting instinct is determined by genetics and behaviour, how your dog has been trained and its obedience level. In fact, many people will notice a positive change in their dogs’ behaviour when switching to raw as the elimination of additives and preservatives helps immensely with hyperactivity and stress levels. It’s the same as if you feed a child a lot of lollies and soft drink they will become excitable!

Loads of dogs safely eat commercial pet food

Yes, millions of dogs eat commercial food and it is an observation that they are all healthy. There are millions of dogs that are swamping the vets daily with dermatitis issues, cancer, organ failures, joint problems, heart issues, pancreatitis, digestive disorders, dental problems and allergies. Most of these issues can be linked back to diet as these dogs have been consuming highly processed, grain filled food.